Could you be a modern day Plant Hunter?

The Basic Idea

To support Year 6 science curriculum, follow in the footsteps of famous taxonomist, Carl Linnaeus, in identifying, recording and classifying flowering plants.

Carefully choose a flowering stem, with its leaves, and study it with a microscope or hand lens. Make a careful observational drawing of your specimen, annotating it’s key features. Press the flower as a taxonomist at Kew Gardens would, between pages of newspaper and underneath heavy books. Display your annotated drawing and the pressed flower specimen in your science book.

N.B. Teachers need to research possible dangerous plants in the area (e.g. poisonous to eat; cause severe skin reactions etc.) as well as those protected by law. No whole plant must be uprooted or destroyed. Picking flowers in certain places is illegal in e.g. parks, commemorative gardens and Nature Reserves (see link below if you’re unsure).

Dangerous Wild Plants –

Protected Plants –

How to take it even further or make it more challenging

Research historic and modern day plant hunters. Visit an arboretum or Kew Gardens.